Empowering creative thinkers and problem solvers to express themselves

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Give 'em a hand

Scholars worked on design projects using their hand as the subject.  To tie in lessons on shapes vs forms and various lines, (emphasis on diagonal for this assignment) scholars created their designs, used 5 to 7 diagonal lines, and chose no less than 3 but no more than 4 colors.
Working on the finishing touches
Scholars devote their class time focusing on the lesson objective
Once scholars drew their hand and added their lines, they created a variety of interesting shapes.  Scholars used their colored pencils to fill in their shapes making sure that no two colors ever sat side by side or were on top of each other.

Scholars Jazz up their designs with color and make each one Unique.  Even Mr. George would be impressed.
Once scholars completed their designs, they were asked to go back in and look at the values they created.  If their designs used all light colors, they were challenged to consider if it would be more interesting if a color they were using, say Purple for example, used both dark purples and light purples in their designs.

Scholars are informed of the lesson objectives, shown a partial example and view a demonstration.  After a quick question and answer session, scholars get to work to meet the objectives.  In our lessons, the objectives are clearly defined but how each scholar gets to the destination is up to them. After each session we review or critique to measure understanding.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Completing the GRID

This is one of my and my scholars favorite assignments. For this assignment, I research and select historic individuals for my scholars to study, sketch and draw.  Once an individual is selected for a particular MOD/class, I print their image and grid off the photo.  Each scholar receives a 1" x 1" from the photo.  Scholars are not told ahead of time who the individual is.  Instead, scholars focus on their portion of the photo and recreate it on a 6" x 6" piece of drawing paper.  Scholars pay attention to the lines, shapes, values and textures in their photo and using a simple #2 pencil, attempt to recreate their portion of the photo.
Once scholars have finished their grid drawing and we have discussed the ratio and proportion and have practiced exercises related to ratio and scale, the scholars come up one at a time, find their grid number on the large image and attach it.  It is awesome to watch scholars begin to hang around the large drawing as it begins to "reveal" who the historic individual is.  Scholars will take guesses and try to see who's right.  I love to see the bulbs come on and that Ah-ha moment is achieved when they see who it is and they get it.
Josephine Baker
Ray Charles
Constance Baker Motley
Once scholars are finished with their grid drawing, they begin studies of the human figure.  Studying a persons proportions and measuring, scholars will be able to accurately render a drawing from a model in real life.  Until that time, scholars will begin studies and sketches using wooden mannequins.
Scholars practice sketching from a wooden figure.  As scholars create studies from the mannequins, they build up confidence and skills needed to measure and render drawings of a human model.

How can someone find out if they are HIV positive?

Although a person may have HIV symptoms, that alone is not an indicator that a person has HIV.  If you feel that you are at risk or may have been exposed, the only sure way to know is to get an HIV test.  Thank you again Mr. Tommy Amico for your visit and your information.

Dec. 1st World AIDS Day

On December 1st, invited guest, Tommy Amico with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services stopped by to discuss with scholars the facts of HIV and AIDS.  Mr. Amico answered questions, cleared up confusion and myths and asked students to begin to have frank conversations with parents.
Thank you Mr. Amico for visiting our class and giving us the facts on HIV / AIDS
 Mr. Amico encouraged scholars to ask him any question.  One question that was asked in multiple classes was if Magic Johnson was cured of AIDS.  Mr. Amico was very frank. "NO. Magic Johnson is not cured of AIDS."  Due to Johnson's wealth, that allows him to travel to countries that offer experimental medications and treatments.  One of those medicines Johnson is on, suppresses the AIDS virus, or keeps it under control.  BUT, if Johnson were to contract another virus such as another person's cold, flu etc., that AIDS virus could "Blowup" and become a big problem.  Unless a cure is found for AIDS, Johnson will eventually die due to complications from the AIDS virus.

Students asked questions about myths they had heard from friends or read about on the internet

3 Goals of the HIV / AIDS Stategy

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

One Point Perspective Drawings

Students in Art are currently working on One Point perspective drawings of ACECC hallways.  These works are in progress, but scholars are very excited by the results they are seeing at this point.

Art Club Unites

This year, the ACECC Upper Campus has seen the development of the ART CLUB with Mr. Harris as the sponsor. This club provides artistic opportunities beyond the walls of the classroom. It also will provide an opportunity for students that cannot fit art into their busy schedules. The club participates in art trips, community services, sales, etc. The club will also perform school service projects in the field of art.  Anyone may join the ART CLUB.  A scholar does not need to currently be in an art class to join.  We welcome scholars who have an interest in ART and would enjoy hanging out with others who like being creative and getting messy.  Right now, ART CLUB is meeting in the Art room on Tuesday afternoons.  Here is a sample of what we are currently working on.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Video from ACECC's first graduation - class of 2010

Queen Mother Bullard addresses the first graduating ACECC class and Minniejean Brown delivers the commencement speech.  This was a historic day.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

ACECC Graduation - 1st Senior Class - with guest speaker Minniejean Brown

Queen Mother Bullard and Baba Bullard

Baba Webster

Site Administrator Mama Dock

Minniejean Brown Trickey addresses the 1st ACECC Graduating class - Class of 2010

Minniejean Brown Trickey - a member of "The Little Rock Nine"
I recently came across a folder of photos and videos that I recorded during ACECC's first graduation ceremony.  It was such an honor to be a part of this groundbreaking and historic day.

Drum and Dance from Ancestor Day - October 2011

This is one of the different drum and dance performances choreographed by Baba Danny Hinds.  Our campus is very fortunate to have him in our family.  Our scholars really embrace this style of performance art and put forth so much effort into each routine.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Portfolio Day 2011 - Kansas City Art Institute

October is "Portfolio Month" and is an opportunity for high school students to submit their art portfolios for review.  There are many sites throughout the United States and we are fortunate to have an awesome site here, in the Kansas City Art Institute!
Each year I gather up a handful of scholars and we go over to KCAI and visit the college representatives that attend.  Each year there are about 30 different colleges, universities and art institutes from all over the U.S. that show up to review and critique the student art portfolios.
Tons of students from all over the Midwest - and this is just one of the eleven rooms!
This is my 6th year of attending with students and I am always awed at the wonderful work that is being created by high school students from all over the Midwest.  It gets my creative juices flowing and gives me new ideas for future projects. 
Thank you Ms. Kim for taking us on the awesome tour!

On tour

Waiting for California

Mr. Lunn visiting with a California Visual Art Rep.

KCAI Self-Portraits

The lone scholar who was not afraid of the arachnid.
Once again, the artwork we submitted recieved wonderful reviews and we were reminded that the focus of high school students work should be on observational drawings (looking at the real thing and drawing from it rather than just from imagination or from magazines and the internet), exploring various media (art materials) and not just relying on pencil drawings, and being willing to try new things and fail.  Much can be learned from falling down.  Mistakes are educational too.

Honoring our Ancestors 2011

During the month of October, ACECC provides our scholars with an opportunity to honor our ancestors.  October is Ancestors Month and during this month our cultural arts committee, made up of the Campus Cultural Arts Director, the Fine Arts Chairman, Librarians, Professors and others have come together to establish ways for our students to develop projects and programs that will honor ancestors that have passed on.
This is the first year, we, as a campus, have come together and provided a well rounded program.  On October 28th 2011 our high school, Upper Campus hosted the first Ancestors Day Program.  Included in the festivities were Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Dance, Drums, Culinary Arts, and our Choir. The program was well attended and well received by our scholars, elders, parents and guests.  Thank you Baba Danny Hinds for your hard work as well as the other members of the "family".  Asante Sana (Thank you).
Please enjoy.

(I will attempt to load video of portions of the performances either on this post or a later post.)

Scholars hard at work

Rigor is defined as "The quality of being unyielding".  I ask from my scholars, to do their very best and improve today from where they were yesterday.  By asking for the best from my students, they often give me their best.  I appreciate each and every one of them for that.  Good job, good job.